About Me

Welcome to my digital portfolio!

I am an advertising professional with more than four years of experience working on international, national and regional advertising accounts.  I am passionate about the emerging media landscape and using data to create impactful advertising solutions for my clients.

Simply put, I am an organizer.  I thrive on taking chaos and putting it into some kind of order. My professional life has put me into roles where I have been able to focus my energy on my strengths.  I've been able to harness and fine tune these skills from many years of working as a professional theatrical stage manager.  I am adapting to find roles where organization is key.  

Besides being the type of person who has a different cup for pens and highlighters, I care passionately about my clients and their brand landscape.  I come to work every day with a smile on my face and an idea in my head.  I look forward to showing you what I can do for your company.